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Church stained glass repair | Stained Glass New York, Leaded glass

Church stained glass repair

Church stained glass repair. From the 4th century, stained glass windows occupy a permanent place in church interiors. Initially, they were window-less fillings, made of colored slides.
In the eighth century, the concept of vitrearii emerged to describe stained-glass glaziers who in the early medieval times were also vitri factores – glass makers. The first names of craftsmen of stained glass masters are also known from those times. Over time, stained glass windows gained enormous social respect, and their craft achieved the importance of art. In medieval France, the technique of glazing large openings of cathedral windows was developed. In this way, a stained glass window was created in the form that is known to us today. At that time, the stained glass windows mainly conveyed religious content, illustrating biblical themes.
In this technique known for centuries I make sacred stained glass. I also renovate old church windows.
stained glass window after renovation

The renewal process involves:
– disassembly of the stained glass window
– stripping the stained glass (removing old lead)
– filling the cavities, fitting the glass, painting and baking in the oven
– lead – assembly of elements using lead profiles
– cleaning and putting on stained glass
– assembly

Church stained glass repair

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